Tasmanian greens leader peg putts response to the Abbott government in an emphatic speech on the environment

Tasmanian greens leader peg putts response to the Abbott government in an emphatic speech on the environment.

‘Mining in our country is not for our citizens. It is toxic and polluting, it i더킹카지노s undermining our environment and it harms our local communities.

‘For this reason, Labor has taken action to end the mining subsidy as it relates to heavy oil drilling.

‘The Greens have committed to implement the Labor Party’s energy efficiency target on our power stations, which will ensure that electricity customers are required to reduce emissions while providing electricity for our energy use.’

Environment Minister Greg Hunt yesterday told ABC radio the Opposition would seek an early election if Labor was to secure a majority in the upper house.

‘If we do elect government and we get re-elected, we will not get a second chance to enact the mining tax as we were promised,’ he said.

‘We will seek another election, which again the Greens have confirmed they will seek if they are re-elected.

‘So I think Labor has not been forthcoming with information about this subsidy, which is not only about the cost, but also the costs to the people of Queensland that it’s doing, the impact it is having in rural and regionagospelhitzl Queensland that it has, on their health and their quality of life.’

Greens Leader Christine Milne, left, said her party would seek an early election if Labor is to secure a majority in the up우리카지노per house. Greens leader Christine Milne, left, said her party would seek an early election if Labor is to secure a majority in the upper house.

Greens Leader Christine Milne, left, said her party would seek an early election if Labor is to secure a majority in the upper house if it was to implement an energy efficiency target on Queensland power stations

Ms Milne has also accused the Premier of being ‘completely lacking in vision’ and ‘carnaged by his own ambition’.

Labor was forced to seek an immediate election after taking 30 percent of the vote in the last state election in June.

Labor also faced an early election in the 2014 federal election in Queensland after dropping more than 20 seats, with four Liberal-held seats from the last federal election.

Labor lost 27 Senate seats and its share of the federal vote jumped to 31.7 percent – its first year of government.